207 Trafalgar Street
Street Address207 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
(next to Farmers)
From: 20/10/2019 - 19/11/2019
Installation Type: passive
207 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
(next to Farmers)
Small Change is a payback. This financial display featured as part of Viewfinder is a social exchange and capital redistribution subverting conventions found in the arts,finance and commerce. Small Change attempts to examine the often bureaucratic systems and services that facilitate community engagement and expression within and of the arts.
The use of multiple nodes and definitions of “change” are presented within this installation and are defined on their own terms though the heads and hands of many. As the viewer is transformed into a participant. The literal and figurative marked change embodied in this work presents nominal currency that has elements of control, into distributed artifacts with a renegotiated sense of autonomist action.
Paterson’s work in this sense examines art as a form of active engagement while examining and exploring how forms of capital are used and negotiated. Small Change allows the idea of intrinsic change to become reflective when juxtaposed with the constitutions of institutional structures. The operation of change and its associated hierarchies is also present.
Introducing all round RAD designer and thinker Leigh Paterson, communication design lecturer and practitioner. Specialising in graphic design and design theory, Paterson has a keen interest in typography, mark-making, pop culture, and issues and intersections relative to design concerning appropriation, technology, dissent, gender, space, subversion and banalities.
You can learn more about Leigh Paterson’s mahi at www.leighannepaterson.com
Work: Small Change, 2019, Digital Print Vinyl, Still Photography, Spot Colour Print.
Viewfinder Window is a mobile contemporary art window-gallery that brings visual arts to the street. Viewfinder supports local contemporary artists including sculptors, painters, writers, jewellers and installation practitioners. Viewfinder is…