Spring Clean Whakatū Nelson

From: - Ongoing

Installation Type: interactive

City Centre 3

Street Address

We’re going to make the city really shine!

We all love our little city, and Nelson City Council always makes sure it always looks pretty great. But this is your chance to show your pride by making the city really sparkle. On 12-20 October, we’re holding the first Spring Clean Whakatū Nelson.

Go to the What If website for more info and to register.

In November 2023, Make/Shift Spaces ran a series of talks and discussions under the banner of What If Whakatū Nelson…? The aim was to encourage people to think about what Whakatū Nelson might look like in the future – more facilities, more greenspaces, more pedestrian access, better planning, a more vital inner-city…

The responses were collated and grouped into achievable short-, medium- and long-term goals. One popular suggestion was around the theme of giving the city a jolly good clean.

The Spring Clean Whakatū Nelson campaign is an initiative of the What If Whakatū Nelson Community-led Taskforce, facilitated by Make/Shift Spaces and supported by Nelson City Council, Nelson Chamber of Commerce, Uniquely Nelson, Arts Council Nelson, NelMac and RCP.

City Centre 3
