
Dana Rose
2024, acrylic on canvas, 760 x 380 mm
Click here to see more of Dana’s work.

Oystercatchers is now in a private collection but can be purchased as a limited edition print by contacting Dana at [email protected]

Dana Rose skilfully creates images of New Zealand birds, people and landscapes in compositions that express the mystery and importance of the interdependence of all life. Her unique paintings are sought after by a wide variety of collectors both locally and internationally.

Stories help us to understand ourselves and our world and, at present, there is an urgent need for connective narratives to help us deal with global challenges. If we can somehow expand our sense of self to include the natural world – the air, the soils, the water, and the creatures we share it with – then our behaviours leading to pollution and degradation of habitats, will be experienced as self- destruction. We, Homo sapiens are as we are because of all our exchanges over aeons with our surroundings, animate and inanimate.

I aim to convey such a connective narrative in my images using symbolism and metaphor in imaginary compositions with a touch of whimsy.

Dana Rose

Over the years Dana’s work has been in the final exhibition of numerous national art awards and has received multiple prizes and sold well. She has been a co-judge for the Golden Bay Art Awards and had her work featured on the cover of New Zealand Food, Art and Wine.

Dana offers small, informal art classes for beginners-to-experienced in a variety of media. These classes are relaxing and fun, with homemade baking included. Please feel free to contact Dana if you would like to join a class or have one-to-one sessions.

Dana Rose is represented by Central Art Gallery Queenstown.

Big thanks to Rollos Locksmiths.

And thanks to Tim Cuff for the photos.

Installation Details

16 Bridge St, at Rollos Locksmiths


Many thanks to the property owner and tenant for being part of ArtDoors.

ArtDoors Whakatū/Nelson is a joint project by Make/Shift Spaces and Arts Council Nelson