Cactus Nights

Lloyd Harwood
Cactus Nights
2024, acrylic on canvas 915 x 610 mm
Contact Lloyd directly at [email protected]

Lloyd has two artworks featured in ArtDoors – Cactus Nights at Karen Jordan Preloved Style, and Frida Hare (ii), located right next door at Karen Jordan Style.

I am a long-time fan of Lloyd’s work – I love the style, colour and vibrancy of his paintings. So it’s great to see them every day on our ArtDoors! We have had great feedback from our customers who are fully supportive of revitalising our city centre, plus they love the quirkiness of the designs we chose.

Karen Jordan

Lloyd’s work is notable for its simplicity of form and intensity of hue. He combines these elements with a strong sense of composition, resulting in a personal and recognisable style.

Responding to nearly all and everything that surrounds him, Lloyd often draws inspiration from myth and cross-cultural symbolism. Thematically, his work is a personal celebration of both the childlike wonder and the often adult folly of being human, which sees him revelling  in the areas of satire and paradox.   

Lloyd’s work appeals and works on varying conceptual levels, described as both ‘affable and sardonic’. Its appeal and accessibility could be attributed to its many entry points, and perhaps this accounts for the fact that he is collected by people of varying ages and different walks of life from around the world.

Lloyd regularly exhibits his work in Nelson.

Lloyd’s day job is as Community Arts Manager at Arts Council Nelson, so clearly he’s deeply embedded in the ArtDoors project. It’s fantastic to have two of Lloyd’s artworks as the perfect prototypes for the the very first ArtDoors!

Thanks to Karen Jordan at Preloved Style at 151 Trafalgar Street.

Installation Details

151 Trafalgar St, at Karen Jordan Preloved Style


Many thanks to the property owner and tenant for being part of ArtDoors.

ArtDoors Whakatū/Nelson is a joint project by Make/Shift Spaces and Arts Council Nelson